When working on the clock, time is of the essence. Having time restraints adds a bit of pressure to get things done, but it’s also a good thing, as we can manage our time wisely and waste none of it. In this article, we’ll discuss how to save time when working on the clock. Saving time makes time for what needs to get done.


What Is Working on the Clock?


Working on the clock means that you clock in and out at a certain time, and you complete all your work during those hours. The goal is to have working hours tracked and for work to begin and end at a certain time. Now, let’s look at ways to save time when working on the clock.


Undivided Attention


When we try to multitask at work, sometimes the one thing that needs the most attention doesn’t get completed. When someone has a question, an answer, or needs to discuss something, give them your full attention. When you don’t fully listen, the conversation will happen again because you’ll have to go back and clarify. Give them your complete attention the first time, even if it takes a few minutes away from another task. It’s better than wasting time to have it all repeated.


Create Lists


You probably have “to-do” lists at home, and you should at work also. A notepad and pen on your desk are great for jotting down things you need to remember. You can transfer them to a phone or computer later if you prefer. Have a list at the end of the day set with the next day’s order of events so you’re ready to go when you clock in for the day.


Unnecessary Meetings


We’ve all been there: you need to get things done, and there’s meeting after meeting. Those days happen, and it’s unavoidable; however, pick and choose which meetings you attend. Some are mandatory, but if a few are optional, save those meetings for the days you feel caught up.


Take Breaks


Saving time when working on the clock includes breaks. Without breaks, your brain becomes exhausted, and you aren’t useful during your time on the clock. Take advantage of break time to reenergize and refocus.


Silence the Phone


When working from home, that phone is right next to us at our desk. Silence it, flip it upside down to not see the screen, and check it on breaks and at lunch. Our smartphones are a huge distraction and an impressive time stealer.


As you implement these ideas to help you save time working on the clock, you’ll start to notice a less stressful workday. Time is on your side when you make it work for you.


At TimeTrakGO, we’ve created an employee time clock app with GPS to make clocking in and out fast and accurate, no matter your location. When it comes to saving time and improving efficiency, TimeTrakGO has you covered. Contact us to discuss better time tracking solutions for your company.

Published On: August 23rd, 2021 / Categories: Schedules, Time Tracking / Tags: /