Choosing the right tools and equipment for your business is critical, especially when you’re deciding on the essentials, such as picking the right employee time tracking software.

If used properly, time tracking software can help businesses increase production, productivity, and efficiency. Many programs offer different benefits, so it’s important to analyze your needs before deciding.

There are many types of time tracking software on the market to choose from, but there are a few factors that all business owners and managers should consider before taking the next step. Let’s look at some things to look out for when searching for your new platform.


Are you looking to earn more profit? Or perhaps to streamline your company’s workflow? When making any big decision for your business, it’s always best to consider the “why” for your desire to change certain aspects.

For example, if you’re hoping to increase workflow consistency, utilizing time tracking software can assist you and your employees in tracking daily duties. You may also benefit from working with a project management system and the time software to increase efficiency.

Take a moment to sit down with your team to determine the reason behind purchasing time tracking software and how your employees and business can benefit from it.


Once you figure out your business goals, establishing a budget is vital to staying on track with your business financials. This could mean adjusting other platforms to make room for new software.

Additionally, you’ll need to closely examine the programs that your business already uses and determine if you still need them. This can help you cut costs over time as you consistently analyze your finances.

While many types of time tracking software differ in pricing, try finding a specific platform that meets your business needs and helps you stay on track with your budget.

Business Size

The number of employees you have in your business may also be an essential factor in picking the right time tracking software.

For example, if you have a small business, your teams may benefit from utilizing time tracking software provided by TimeTrakGO. We aim to provide small businesses with employee timecard software to pay their employees accurately without messy hand-written timesheets.

The impact a smart time tracking software can make on your small business may be enough to make you say “yes.”

System Integrations

Time tracking systems can make a great addition to your other productivity platforms.

When utilizing project management software along with your time tracking software, your departments can coordinate an individual’s projects and schedule to streamline project timelines.

For example, if you were to assign a team member to a specific project that may put them over their regular hours, your time tracking software can instantly catch it and notify you. This can help prevent issues with overtime and thus improve productivity and employee morale.

Training Time

When adopting new software, you must consider how long it will take your team to adapt. This means communicating with your team what changes you’ll make in the company. It’s important to chat with your team about expectations, guidelines, and regulations for the new software.

Additionally, you’ll want to set up a meeting with your department heads to assess the best ways to utilize the time tracking software and train your employees.

Remember, as with any new program, there may be a learning curve, so do your best to offset confusion to maintain production quality.

Software Reviews

When searching for the right time tracking software, you may consider reading the reviews from businesses that have used the platform before.

As with any product, reading reviews before purchasing it can help you make a more confident decision and assess how it will affect your day-to-day operations.

However, keep in mind that customer reviews shouldn’t sway your decision-making process too much. They’re there to provide insight into someone’s specific experiences with the software. But it may still increase your awareness of the product and how it can impact your business.

Additional Features

You may find that timesheets negatively affect your business because they’re time-consuming and difficult to manage. When looking for a new time tracking software, try to opt for software that can provide additional features besides tracking time.

For example, we offer a time clock app with GPS tracking that enables you to provide your employees with more accountability with little to no extra hassle.

This means your employees can clock in/out right from their phones while tracking their location only to ensure they’re clocking from an authorized location. This is especially helpful if you have remote employees. As they say, work smarter, not harder!


Analyzation is a big factor when picking the right time tracking software. You may consider a time clock platform that allows you to analyze your employee’s time data.

Examining the data can help you plan, prepare, and assess what your team needs from you. Furthermore, if you see they’re spending too much time on a certain project, you may provide them with assistance or find out what the employee needs to succeed.

For example, each employee is different, and they learn in various ways. So when you utilize time tracking software to look at the data, not only are you paying your team accurately, but you can increase their knowledge and comfortability with their projects.

Free Trials

Try to opt for time tracking software that enables you to utilize the system before making the purchase. Some free trials will only allow you to use the platform for a few days to a week, while some time tracking software, like the ones here at TimeTrakGO, offer you a full 14 days to try it out and discover what makes them unique.

Knowing how to pick the right employee time tracking software can be challenging, but by doing your due diligence, you ensure that you have your company’s needs in mind. Here at TimeTrakGO, our goal is to help you streamline productivity and put your team on the path to success.

How To Pick the Right Employee Time Tracking Software

Published On: December 13th, 2021 / Categories: Time Tracking /