Here we GO! – Creating a new application from scratch is a daunting task. Who will use it? What will it look like? How will it work? are all very important factors to decide on well before the actual development process begins.


When we set forth on our journey to develop TImeTrakGO, we relied on our decades of industry experience to create the very basis of any time tracking application, the employee timecard\timesheet.


We not only needed to be different from the competition, but we also needed to stand out. Many of today’s time tracking systems show the employees punch times in a grid with columns for IN and OUT.  If you think about it, that is not much different from old paper time cards from the 1980s. (See image)


How do you innovate a process that is largely unchanged for years? How do you improve the visibility of exceptions while reducing the amount of time needed to collect, review and approve employee hours?


Introducing an industry FIRST, the graphical time card!  Truly an innovative, simple approach to timekeeping that is unlike any time tracking software you’ve ever used.  Our puzzle-like appearance to the employee timesheet is simply a much easier way to review and approve hours. Not convinced? See for yourself below.












Published On: May 28th, 2019 / Categories: Payroll, Schedules, Time Tracking / Tags: /