Any Size company can benefit from automating employee time tracking.
Yes, even yours!

1 – Organization

End reliance on cumbersome manual time tracking methods. All of your time tracking information is available whenever and wherever you are.

2 – Scheduling

Allow employees and you to benefit from knowing exactly when they need to work.


3 – Overtime

By knowing when employees are scheduled, you can see costly overtime before it happens and take action if needed.

4 – Errors

They happen.  Automating tracking of time helps identify recording errors and allows for correction with minimal effort.

5 – Know your Numbers

Automated employee time tracking provides a simplified way to know what’s going on in your business. Real-time reporting provides in-depth details about hours worked, time cards, and more.

6 – Bonus Reason (Free Trials)

What have you got to lose with a 14-day FREE Trial?  With a simplified quick-start process TimeTrakGO will have you tracking employee time in minutes.

Published On: January 28th, 2020 / Categories: Simple Life, Small Office, Time Tracking / Tags: , /