PTO (paid time off) is there for employees to use. Taking breaks from work makes a better employee and improves our work environment. The best companies encourage employees to use their PTO. When it’s time for some time off, make sure you understand the things to consider before requesting PTO. Let’s look at what those are.


How’s the Company Doing?

Every company goes through highs and lows. You’re always needed as an employee, but sometimes the need is so great that taking time off requires a bit more thought. Will the company suffer while you’re away? Will they lose money or the ability to fulfill certain tasks? At times, taking PTO is unavoidable, but if you’re only seeking a little break, hold off if you can if the company itself is struggling to stay afloat. As you help grow and improve your company, time off will come again. When your company is well staffed and doing great, there’s no reason to avoid the break you need.


How’s Your Performance?

Are you in good standing with the company? If so, by all means, you’ve worked hard and earned your PTO. However, if for some reason you’ve struggled and have been put on a special program to help you improve or been giving warning you must improve, then requesting PTO isn’t wise. Get yourself to the right level, and then celebrate with a little PTO.


How Much PTO Do You Have?

It’s important to keep track of your own PTO. Some companies allow rollover of leftover PTO for the year, and others don’t. If the end of the year is near and you have a use it or lose it policy, it’s time for a vacation. However, if it’s only February and you’ve already used more than half, you could hold off.


It’s not recommended to hold off year after year so you can save up your PTO. As employees, we need to take breaks from our jobs.


Some days a tropical island is beckoning you and you want to get away from it all. We understand and we’ve all been there. Enjoy your PTO and travel to that tropical island. Just remember the things to consider before requesting PTO, for your own sake and for the sake of your company.

TimeTrakGO offers vacation request software to make requesting PTO and the approval process simple as well. Take the guesswork out of vacation requests and allow technology to simplify the process. Contact TimeTrakGO for all your time tracking needs.

Published On: September 8th, 2021 / Categories: Time Tracking /