Employees in every sector are now rebelling against the traditional work model. The “Great Reshuffle” caused by the pandemic is still underway, and remote and hybrid models of work are cropping up everywhere!

Now, more than ever, tracking employee hours is vital. Labor is one of the biggest expenses that your business will incur. This is why you need to have a tracking system that will give you adequate information about the hours that employees work.

If you have been wondering about how to choose an employee time clock software. Here are some tips that will help.

Simple Time Tracking

One of the most important features of time clock software is its ease of use. Your time clock software should make it easy for you to track your employee’s hours without having a complicated interface.

When selecting this type of software you must look for detailed time tracking, and your employees should be able to clock in and out easily.

This way you will be able to effectively track their hours. A good time tracking software will allow you to see when your employees take a break. You will also be able to add details to a time card.

This kind of effective reporting and time tracking is essential not only for doing your payroll but for your records as well.

Manage Overtime

Occasionally employees may need to do overtime. When you use good time tracking software it will be easy for you to monitor this over time without having an excessive amount of paperwork to deal with.

A good time tracking software should have features in place that will help you to monitor as well as control any overtime your employees do within the week.

Tracking overtime via software is a good way to quickly see at a glance how much overtime you will need to pay your employees in a given week or month. Tracking hours this way can help to keep your payroll organized.

Avoid Messy Timesheets

If you’re familiar with written time sheets, you are probably aware of how messy they can be. Also, a lot of mistakes can be made when using these manual timesheets.

One of the benefits of using time tracking software is that you get simplified timesheets that your employees can complete online.

Some of the best time tracking software for employees also includes a web time clock. This makes it even easier for you to effectively track hours and keep things neat and organized.

Effective Scheduling

Scheduling is an inevitable part of every organization’s workflow. It can get complicated to manage the time tracking of employees when they are working as teams.

Time tracking software should help monitor the work schedule of all members of a work team. This can potentially save you hours every month.

It will reduce complications, and make it easier to track employee hours.

Real-Time Reporting

The most effective time tracking software will give you real-time reporting. Real-time reporting makes it easy for you to see what is happening in the exact moment instead of later.

Being able to see what is happening with employee labor immediately, makes it easy for you to identify those employees that are compliant and those who are non-compliant.

You can then take action to correct this in real-time and this can help with productivity.

A good time tracking software should help you to have tangible records of your employee’s activities. Being able to export this information easily in an Excel document can make it easy for you to keep records of your employee’s labor time.

You can print out and keep physical copies of these documents if you prefer as well. This way you will have a physical file as well as a virtual record.

You will always have these documents for references should you need to take disciplinary action against an employee who has been tardy consistently or if you need to reward an employee for their diligence.

Web-Based Time Tracking

There are several different ways in which time tracking software works. One of the best ways a time tracking software can provide ease of use is by being a web-based application. This means that you will not need a lot of hardware to get this system up and running fast.

It is completely based in the clouds and it’s easily accessible from anywhere. Employees can clock in very easily from their devices. This means that they can clock in from their computer, their phone, or tablets.

This is especially useful if you have remote employees or if you have a hybrid work model where people work from home some of the time. It makes it easy for your employees to make you aware that they are on the job. It also makes it easier for you to see who is not on the job as well.

Select the Right Employee Time Clock

Selecting an employee time clock is one of the biggest decisions you will make for your business. Labor is the backbone of most businesses and keeping track of your employee’s labor is critical to not only productivity but the financial aspects of your business as well.

With so much at stake, you must select a time tracking software that will give you a lot of information about the compliance of your employees when it comes to their working hours. If you would like to try time tracking software, please do not hesitate to start a free trial of our software today.

Published On: August 19th, 2022 / Categories: Time Tracking /