Can you believe that businesses lose almost $85 billion each year due to employees not showing up for work?

When you hire someone, it’s in good faith that they’ll do everything they can to show up to work on time. It can be difficult to track employee time schedules without the right tools. The good news is that there are options for apps that can make the task much easier.

Are you unsure of what software to get? Keep reading to learn how to choose time-tracking apps that are worth the investment.

Decide on the Type of Time-Tracking Clock

You’ll be glad to know that tracking employee hours can be done in a variety of ways. From facial recognition or a time clock kiosk to a mobile app or a web login, the exact method will depend on your business or the type of employee.

If you’re overwhelmed by the options, don’t worry because the best time-tracking app provider will allow you to combine these features as you see fit. Anyone who is still unsure should contact the provider for expert guidance. That way, you can home in on the perfect option for your company.

Consider the Time-Tracker App Features

It’s an unfortunate fact that not all time-tracking apps are built alike. Some of them come with a wide range of features while others are more bare bones in their approach. It’s worth taking the time to consider your needs because that will help you find an app that fits your company to a T.

For instance, the best apps give you the ability to automatically track paid time off. There should also be an option for tracking and approving time-off requests in the most efficient way possible. Other features worth looking into include GPS time-tracking for mobile employees, facial recognition, and more.

Compare and Contrast App Costs

It’s worth comparing app costs because the last thing you should do is pay for a bunch of features that you don’t need. After you’ve gathered quotes from your top choices, you might feel like the cheapest one is the best.

However, you can’t forget that old saying, “You get what you pay for.” A cheap app may not have the features you need and it could be full of technical bugs. This is why it’s worth testing out the time-tracking app by taking advantage of a free trial.

Are You Ready to Choose Time-Tracking Apps?

Now that you’ve learned how to choose time-tracking apps that are worth the investment, you can ensure that your employees are team players by showing up on time and working according to their schedules. This can give you valuable peace of mind and let you know if meeting one-on-one with anyone is necessary or not.

We’re happy to provide you with the most reliable web-based time clock software on the market. From tracking your employee’s hours to their days off, you’ll never want to go back to your old method of doing things after trying TimeTrakGO.

Published On: January 3rd, 2023 / Categories: Time Tracking /