American businesses lose billions of dollars every year due to employee time theft. You can avoid this by using time tracking with GPS.

But what are the benefits of time tracking? How will it help your business? And is it worth it?

We have a guide with all you need to know. Read on to learn more.

Prevent Time Theft; Use Time Tracking with GPS

Some time-tracking apps let employees log in even when off-site. This is one of the ways employees can hide lateness and steal time.

It is shockingly common for staff to log extra hours, hide lateness, or even get their colleagues to log in for them.

Time tracking with GPS lets you spot fraudulent time logs. You will know where your employees are when they log in. If they fail to log out, your GPS will let you know they’re off-site and log them out.

Increase Safety for Your Staff

Digital records of who is in the building are vital in an emergency. Safety adherence is crucial. Time tracking with GPS lets you track employee attendance via their smartphone logins.

This saves you from racing through a paper list in a panic. Also, employees can forget to log in, but with GPS, they will do so automatically.

Save Our Planet’s Trees

App-based employee tracking lets you cut paperwork down to a minimum. By automating your time-tracking, the need for paper timesheets is eliminated. All your data is accessible via your intranet.

Even if you already have a digital payroll process, data entry is monotonous and wastes time. A virtual time clock can do all this for you, so the information is ready when your process your payroll.

Spot Opportunities for Overtime and Promotion

Time tracking with GPS lets you learn your employees’ schedules. You will know when they are available for extra shifts. You can contact your most productive workers when you need them.

Time-tracking gives you insight into productivity and efficiency. You could incorporate staff awards or pay increases from this data.

Track Staff Hours and Tighten Up Your Payroll

Payroll can be a time-consuming process. When you factor in time theft avoidance, it can be a nightmare. Time tracking with GPS makes the whole process easy.

Your invoicing and payroll will integrate with your choice of accounting service. You enter your staff’s hourly rates. Your time-tracking app will work everything out.

Vacations, unpaid sick days, and breaks deduct automatically. It is still a good idea to double-check everything. But once you get used to the system, you will find you have a lot of extra time.

Ready to Get Started with GPS Time Tracking?

Time tracking with GPS helps prevent time theft, track productivity, and increase safety. It is one of the most cost-effective tools in your payroll toolkit. Get started with it as soon as you can.

TimeTrakGO creates time-tracking solutions for businesses of all sizes. Our team believes positivity gives us the creativity to make tools that work. We are always looking for better ways to boost business productivity.

Looking for a simple-to-use tool to streamline your business?

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Published On: October 26th, 2022 / Categories: Time Tracking /